For decades, book marketing and publicity was about having a review in the national newspapers and an advert on a bus or at an underground station. The digital revolution has changed all of that and many of the most successful self-published authors achieve huge success promoting their books online.
There is much that can be completed online without any cost except time, in particular using social media, which the NGP team is always available by email or on the phone to advise on. However, to help our authors achieve that extra edge and reach for the marketing, we also offer a range of services, helping to build websites, digital products and have promotion placed online targetted at the right audience. Click here to view a sample of our Online Marketing Services, and if there is something else you would like help with, simply contact us and ask!
New Generation Publishing can make your book available in multiple formats to tens of thousands of retailers across the world so surely self-published authors can then sit back and watch the sales roll in? Sadly not - availability is just the first part of today's sales process as, in a digital world with millions of products available, the second and vital stage is discoverability. To help support this, the NGP has set-up a range of unique partnerships, with booksellers who will approach bookshops on your behalf through to major promotion with online retailers. This is all part of our core mission as a company - to help our authors sell as many books as possible!
Click here to view a sample of our Retail Marketing Services, and if there is something else you would like help with, simply contact us and ask!
While much of media has transistioned online, there are still many other outlets through which to promote your book. And the key isn't just sending copies to the major newspapers for review, it is on closely targetting the right audience for your work, one that will like it and recommend it to others. Often a well-placed local article or radio interview can generate a greater sales spike than a small mention in a national outlet. NGP has therefore looked to create tailored media services for its authors to maximise their impact, and therefore sales. These cover newspapers, magazines and radio as well as bespoke service tailored to each author's individual needs.
Click here to view a sample of our Media Marketing Services, and if there is something else you would like help with, simply contact us and ask!
Marketing is not only about reaching the right outlets but also about having as strong a product as possible, understanding what the reader is looking for and what they think of the product, as well as writing as powerful marketing copy as possible. As a result and going back to the start of the process, NGP also offers a range of editing, proofreading, reader report and critique services.
Click here to view a sample of our Editorial Services, and if there is something else you would like help with, simply contact us and ask!
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