Book marketing services can be considered an umbrella term with a variety of marketing options falling under this wider term. When you are publishing a book, you can become focused on completing and the actual publication of your book and consider this to be the end of the self-publishing journey, however, no budding author should consider this to be the end of the process.
You wouldn’t expect a confectionary maker to create a new chocolate bar and then send it out onto store shelves without any marketing activity; you would expect to see adverts, displays in stores and special offers amongst others. So, why would you finish your book without attracting some attention to it?
At New Generation Publishing, we offer a variety of book marketing services which can be combined onto your chosen self publishing package (it’s worth noting that some of our packages contain marketing elements). Fancied seeing your book being read on e-readers? It can be from £90. How about Google/ Amazon book search? Your book can be featured for £59. Do you fancy stirring up some interest amongst the media and journalists for your book? Our experts can distribute a professionally written press release about your new book for £249 to 100 media contacts throughout the UK (this can be increased at cost).
Our marketing services will ensure that when you’re book is published, people know about it. This will in turn create interest and should increase sales of your book. So, whether you choose one book marketing service or a variety of services to compliment the launch of your book, it’s worth spending some time perusing our marketing services.
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