Self-Publishing has grown significantly in the last 5 years according to recent figures by Bowker. The number of ‘do-it-yourself’ books published in the US tripled in the last five years to reach almost quarter of a million titles in 2011. It was noted that e-books made up 37 % of the total, which is no surprise as this new digital way of reading has become so popular and transformed reading and buying habits. Whilst these numbers were taken from the US, it is predicted that the UK is heading the same way too. Self-publishing provides authors with more flexibility than ever before, and as digital technology continues to improve, the industry is moving in dramatic ways.
Things You Need to Do as an Author
Set a Goal - Are you writing a book to make money, or purely just to share with your friends and family? Setting a goal will help to dictate what publishing package you choose, whether that is just to design a cover and get it printed, or make it available as an e-book and promote it too.
Give it a unique title - Don’t choose a title similar to a bestseller. Make it your own. You need to make sure that it is easily searchable when someone looks for it on Google or Amazon. If you have already decided on a title, search for it online just to check that it hasn’t already been used.
Give your Cover a Professional Design - Your book cover needs to tease the reader enough to let them know what the book will be about, along with the title. It needs to look professional. Don’t try to design something that’s really ‘out there’ as it could backfire. Check out other books published in the same genre and see what they have in common.
Edit your Book - You’ve spent a long time writing your book, now it is essential that it is professionally edited. As well as taking your book to friends and family to proofread, gaining feedback from a professional editor is necessary to get your manuscript perfect. Your publisher may offer this service so ask beforehand.
Choose a Format - You need to choose how you want your book to be made available. Paperback, hardback, e-book or both?
Get an ISBN - When you go down the self publishing route, the company producing your book will take care of your ISBN number. ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number and is required for all books if they are to be stocked worldwide ready for sale.
Market your Book - If you’re serious about selling copies of your book, it is important you set a marketing plan before your book is printed. You can choose to do this yourself or with the help and support of a self publishing company. Build up a network of contacts and form an email list from which you can send out details of your book. Set up social media channels, a blog and join online communities. If you want to reach a wider audience, seek the services of a professional and consider more channels.
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