The year is 1890 during the late Victorian times and Isabel and Peter are staying with their Aunt Emma during the Summer at Backworth Manor. There they meet their wonderful friend, Victoria. the friendly ghost! Victoria sings and dances spreading happiness and joy. In the nearby Applethorpe woods, they make friends with two fairies Pippa and Sapphire and together, disappear back to the Land of the Rainbows to see the Fairy Queen Cyra, and soon there are adventures! Later, the children meet George the Goblin with his talking owl, and even find a lost kitten with the help of Tabby Cat and Fox. Victoria along with Isabel and Peter rescue Erik the Dragon, and just who are the mysterious smugglers of Applethorpe, and will their plan be foiled? Why not come down to the secret glades of Applethorpe, filled with sunshine, and join in the fun along with Isabel and Peter and meet Victoria, the Friendly Ghost of Backworth Manor!
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